Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Driving on square tyres

It's so cold. The thermometer is reading -26 deg C but the extra tinest bit of wind makes it feels like -40 on your face. Everyone has plugged their cars in at work today (every space has a socket for your engine block warmer). Anyone who has forgotten to do this won't be driving home tonight because their car won't start. And when you do start driving home you can feel the frozen tyres with their flat spots going bump bump underneath you.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A life-enhancing taste of home

One of the great things about having ex-pat friends is that you can share useful information regarding the availability of desired foodstuffs. Our friend S recently informed us that imported UK teabags were now available at one of the downtown pharmacies resulting in this life-enhancing purchase above. Despite most things being available here in PG, we have struggled with finding teabags we like and a discovery like this never fails to please.
