Monday, August 31, 2009

Summer sun in BC

We've had a great summer here in BC this year. It's been hot and dry. Too hot in fact, as many of you may have heard about the forest fires that have caused so much trouble further down south in the province. The dry weather has produced tinderbox conditions to the forests and lightning strikes have acted as the necessary primers for thousands of fires around the province. We've been lucky in Prince George this year but one can't help thinking that as a city completely surrounded by forest, our number will come up sooner or later.

We had a lovely visit to the UK for two weeks in July. It was a pretty busy couple of weeks trying to get around and see as many folk as possible. It was great to see everyone we did but apologies if we missed you out of our schedule. There was only so much we could squeeze into one fortnight. Unfortuntely it rained almost every day in the UK while we were there (we'd just missed the heatwave).

We were glad to return to PG which is a good sign that we have settled here well. We did feel we needed a more relaxing break after our UK trip so took a week to drive across to Jasper and then down through the Rockies to Banff and Lake Louise. We had a lovely week taking in the scenery and getting in some hiking. Banff is a lovely centre and base for exploring the surrounding lakes and mountains and we were really taken with Moraine lake near Lake Louise. The kids enjoyed climbing the huge boulders (or moraines) deposited by advancing glaciers which after they receded, dammed the river forming the crystal turquoise lake behind it.

We've managed to fill the rest of the summer pretty well too. I spent a lovely day fishing last week. A friend and I hiked out a canoe to a beautiful and remote lake outside PG and once there found the lake almost to ourselves (sharing only with the bears). We had great success too bringing home 8 good sized trout which tasted delicious on the barbeque the next day.

Things will start returning back to normal after the labour day weekend coming up. The schools go back and work will start winding up again. Thoughts will turn towards cooler weather and preparations for the snow expected in October. I have to admit I'm actually looking forward to it.
