Despite a short snow shower in early May, things are now warming up nicely. We're enjoying continuous days of sunshine with temps in the mid 20s and so I'm back on my bike to and from work. So far it's going well, although since we moved, there's now an extra hill to climb on my way home. Handily, there's a Starbucks on route and on hotter days, a short frappucino break becomes the perfect antidote for aching legs.
To make the most of the longer evenings at the moment we spent the weekend before last, renting a cabin at Mount Robson Provincial park. Mount Robson is the tallest peak in the Canadian Rockies and we had perfect warm sunny weather with clear views of the mountain peak. We did some walking around the mountain base and took a gentle dingy ride down the Fraser river. The Fraser is the largest and longest river in BC and originates in the Rockies only 150 miles from Mount Robson. The river's shallow, rapid waters are beautifully clear in the North and you can watch the salmon leaping the nearby falls on their long journey to their spawning grounds in September. By the time the Fraser reaches the lower mainland BC however, it's huge, dark and unfortunately somewhat polluted. The Robson river drains into the Fraser at the foot of the mountain, it's own origin lying high above in the mountain glacier. Making it's way down via two beautiful mountain lakes, the water takes on a blueish-white hue and is always freezing cold. The hike to the larger Berg lake takes 5-6 hours and most camp there overnight. The Berg lake trail is one of the most beautiful in BC. Sadly on this occasion, this trail will require a return visit from us but we're definitely coming back, perhaps in the autumn.
Can you believe it's almost a whole year since we moved to BC? Everything that has happened these last 12 months have been new experiences and now that the same calendar events are coming round again, things are beginning to feel strangely familiar. We've survived our first year and it's been a blast!
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