Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I promise to be true to myself...

Well it finally happened. What with the credit crunch, global economic downturn and current atmosphere of gloom and doom so pervasive in the media at the moment, I've decided to make better use of my spare time and take a second job. So what new skill have I turned my hand to? Serving coffee at Starbucks? Burgers at MacDonalds? Well actually, I'm selling cookies. These are no ordinary cookies mind you. These cookies are something of a North American institution, part of the fabric that binds its people, underpins its society and traverses generations. These are Girl Guide cookies. And no, I don't get paid to sell these. My daughter you see has recently joined her local Girl Guide unit and we have recently taken delivery of 2 large cardboard boxes full of the mint chocolate variety. At $4 for a small box, giving to charity never tasted so good. And I am amazed at how these little boxes of goodness sell. Do they really taste that good? What special ingredient in the recipe makes them so moreish? Or could it be that everyone here has a link to the Guides, ex-guiders, ex-leaders, mothers, sisters, daughters etc. The Girl Guides of Canada receive their main source of annual income from cookie sales and people would like to see this institution and what it stands for, continue for generations to come. Whether it reminds people fondly of their own childhood years or encourages the girls of today to strive for a better future for themselves and society, perhaps we can all draw something from the Girl Guides promise which starts, " I promise to be true to myself... ". Hmmm, I wonder what that means exactly.

If you are interested in finding out more please visit: http://www.girlguides.ca/

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