Friday, June 21, 2013

PGYO in Smithers

The boys and girls of the PGYO joined together with local musicians to form the Pacific Northwest String Orchestra. After a heavy schedule of rehearsals, their inaugural concert was a tour de force.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

PGYO Tour 2013 - Smithers

This years Youth Orchestra Summer Tour visited the towns of Smithers and Burns Lake. 4 hours to the west of Prince George, Smithers sits on the Bulkley river and between Hudson Bay Mountain and the Babine Mountain range. At the Bugwood Bean cafe you can sit outside and enjoy the scenery as well as a great cup of coffee.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Scouters' Retreat - Camp Friendship

Last month I spent a weekend with other Scout Leaders from across northern British Columbia for training and a little R&R without our cubs for a change. There was lots of fishing, canoeing and a chance to hone our outdoor skills. We slept in relatively luxurious Walden-esque cabins like this one.

Nass Lake, outside Terrace, BC

The weather was gorgeous and I spent a lovely evening in the Nass Valley northwest of Terrace.

Lakelse Lake, Terrace.

I had a great opportunity to locum for a week in Terrace, BC recently. The surrounding area is absolutely stunning.
