Our 10 pin bowling team "Split Happens" clinched the Prince George Wednesday night league title last night. This of course has nothing to do with my
not bowling for 9 weeks due to injury. This is also quite probably my first "sporting" success since 1983 when I last won a judo competition (I gave up Judo shortly afterwards as things were becoming too serious and I had to start strangling people or be strangled). Anyway, there will be no doubt some celebration and the pressure will be off for the last two matches now the title is in the bag. I shall miss my team-mates when it's all over:
BH "I never high 5 with my bowling hand"
GT "It's all in your head, just think of nothing"
RM "The_____* put me off"
and TB "I've just got to pop out during the last game, I'LL BE BACK IN 20 MINUTES"
Cheers guys, it's been a blast.
*insert name of body part, usually female