Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Cub Camp II

More scenes from Cub camp. Hopefully you're beginning to get a feel for the experience. Here the cubs are fetching water in their Billy cans. We had to drive half a mile down dirt track to the lakeside to collect drinking water.

Here is the campfire with Akela in the background.

Here is D using his new knife skills to whittle a marshmallow roasting stick (1 of 5 that day).

Monday, May 30, 2011

Cub Camp

Just got back from Spring Cub Camp at Camp Hughes on West Lake. The cubs had a great time tree planting, canoeing, firelighting, cooking and learning knife skills. The leaders had a less great time making sure the cubs didn't drown, maim or burn themselves or each other. We all learned lots, just not necessarily the same things.

Friday, May 20, 2011

San Juan worm

This is a funny one. I wonder whether I'll catch more fish with this imitation on my hook than an actual real worm. I'll let you know.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Simple Mayfly Emerger

I recently stumbled across a website advocating simpler fly designs (less time tying, more time fishing) and in an effort to recycle, this pattern has wings made of surplus yarn from K's knitting stash and embroidery thread for the body.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Wolf Cub Billy Can

D has just "swum up" to Wolf Cubs from Beaver Scouts and I have volunteered as a cubs parent helper/leader. In preparation for Spring cub camp in two weekends time, the cubs spent yesterday making Billy cans and tying knots. I was in charge of knotwork. The ease with which the cubs picked up the Reef knot and Fisherman's knot lulled me into a false sense of security which unravelled into chaos when we started on the Bowline. Too many rabbits, trees and holes methinks.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Foam Beetle

Took the kids out canoeing on Saturday morning at a local lake and tried our hand at a little lure fishing but sadly came home empty handed. Trust us to pick the wrong day of the weekend as it was a bit cold and wet. Yesterday we had glorious weather. We had lunch out on the deck and soaked up a bit of sun before, using the vernacular, "putting our garden in" by visiting the garden centre for bedding plants and planting out baskets for our deck and porch.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Royal Wedding Party v2.0

You didn't think we escaped the wedding all the way over here did you? Due to the time difference we had a slightly belated party complete with flags and bunting. We watched a video of the ceremony, ate street party fare (marmite sandwiches, custard tarts, trifle, jelly, crisps and sausage rolls and hot dogs). We toasted K&W with some champers and gave out souvenir mugs at the end!

Mothers Day

Mothers Day here is on a different date from Mothering Sunday back in the UK and has nothing to do with Lent. K had a relaxing day topped off by this Strawberry Pavlova I made in her honour.


Blogger appears to be having some service maintenance issues and a couple of my recent posts seem to have disappeared. Hopefully we shall see normal service resumed shortly.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Soldier Palmer

After a promising start to the weeks weather and my first cycle to work on Monday, things have gone downhill since with persistent rain and even a dusting of snow this morning. Snow excepted, one could be fooled into thinking we lived in Vancouver. It's still looking promising for the weekend though and I'm looking forward to getting the canoe out again.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Balanced Leech

This leech pattern is designed to float horizontally in the water beneath a floating bite indicator. The surface movement of the bobber with the waves theoretically imparts an undulating pattern of movement to the "leech" underneath. Perhaps I should make a film of it in action.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Beadhead Nymph

Definitely speeding up now. I can make 4-5 of these per hour. Rumour has it the ice is off Tabor lake to the east of town so we may be out fishing this weekend!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Muddler Minnow

This one is an interesting one. I'm not sure what it's supposed to imitate but it's a classic pattern and fun to tie using a technique called spun deer hair.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Hare's ear spider

Still enjoying the fly tying but I now need to make them in greater numbers in preparation for starting fishing. Hopefully pretty soon now, once the ice is off the lakes!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Style over Speed

When it comes to bicycling, I'm a firm believer in style over speed (no lycra please!). Here's a lovely music video embodying the principle courtesy of Copenhagen Cycle Chic. The vintage feel transports me to another time and place.

Parachute Adams

This is a high visibilty version of the classic dry fly. The parachute shaped hackle is designed to sit the fly on the surface film while the white yarn fibres help the fisherman keep track of the fly and signal a take.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Bug Zoo Therapy - Eew!

Despite my reservations, I agreed to join my family on a trip to the Victoria Bug Zoo. Last time I went I couldn't touch a thing - such was my fear of large creepy crawlies. This year I surpassed myself and embracing my fear, actually held a tarantula in my hand. I had to build up to it slowly mind you, by first holding a praying mantis and giant bush cricket. Thankfully, you can't see my face on the tarantula photo or hear the girl-like shrieks on audio which my family continually remind me I made during the experience.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Canadian Politics - exciting?

After 7 years of coalition government, Canada finally resumes political business with a conservative majority after yesterdays national election. During the minority government years, elections were called every two years or whenever the minority government failed to pass its budget bill. The result? A rather ineffectual parliament and a disenfranchaised electorate. Hence my surprise on hearing that this years election saw incredible voter turnout and an upheaval in the political landscape with the major opposition party changing from the Liberals (centre left) to the New Democratic Party (far left). Watch this space now that Premier Stephen Harper finally has some real power to wield.

Butchart Gardens, Victoria

Whilst in Victoria for Easter, we spent a lovely day at the Butchart Gardens, perfectly manicured and in full spring glory.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Sparklewinged Spinner

This mayfly imitation has wings made of a synthetic wavy-fibred yarn which "shimmers" in the light.
