Friday, February 18, 2011

Woolly Bear Weatherman

Another cold front has moved over PG today and it's -26 deg C outside. It reminded me of the Woolly Bear Caterpillar I spotted last autumn. Folklore claims this humble larva of the Isabella Tiger Moth can predict the severity of the winter ahead. According to this one, this winter was going to be short, cold and snowy (correct so far!). Those interested can read more about them at the link below.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Houston, It must be around here somewhere.

We had a fab weekend in Vancouver a couple of weeks ago. At the Macmillan Space Centre you can don a suit and walk on the moon. Without hesitation K jumped at the chance. Someone must have told her there was a good yarn shop up there.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Racing Stripes

This weekend V and D had their local Ski club Race day. They had a whale of a time slalom racing and V clocked 47km/h in the speed trap. Here are some edited highlights and yes it was snowing buckets all day.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

At home with the gang

D's reading has really come on lately. In fact there are too many books to read and too little time. Hence the scene we discovered in his room recently where he had "recruited" some reading helpers. I'd give him 10/10 for resourcefulness.
V, clearly not to be outdone, has recently picked up an interest in the guitar in addition to her violin. Guitar practice mainly involves singing and playing along to her favourite pop tunes - endless renditions of Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift. Still, at least it's not Lady Gaga or 50 Cent.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Family Ice Fishing

Here's some more photos of us ice fishing, this time with the family. After reaching the lake (note D's snow shoes) we clear the snow, drill a hole through the ice, drop in a baited hook and line and Bob's your Uncle. The ice was 8 inches thick and the temperature -10 deg C so to keep warm we simply drilled more holes!
