At last we're beginning to see early signs that winter may be on the wane. The air is beginning to warm a little and the snow beginning to melt. We're still getting intermittent snowfall but it's no longer very heavy, just enough to keep the skiers amongst us happy. The large piles of roadside snow are beginning to turn brown and speckled in colour as it gets mixed in with the road grit - "chocolate chip cookie dough" as my children call it. The city's hue is beginning to take on a sepia tone as a result. The skies are blue and people are starting to talk about their plans for the summer.
The season of Spring is short here in Prince George in a "blink-and-you-missed-it" sort of way We plan to head down to Vancouver in April where Spring lasts a little longer and where we might be able to get our "fix" of Spring flowers which we loved when we were in the UK. Some PG residents are trying to hasten the onset of spring by switching from shovelling the snow off their rooves to shovelling it off their lawns. Sounds like a waste of time to me, like it's gonna melt anyways right? (check out my newly acquired Canadian diction there).
Still, while the snow and ice are still here I'm going to try and squeeze the last bit of fun out of it. We're still skiing at the weekends and the snow will hang around longer up in the mountains yet. I'm beginning to enjoy watching the hockey a bit now and even my skating is coming on too. My children are beginning to pick up an accent and my vocabulary has also changed quite a bit. Surviving our first winter here is making me feel Canada is rubbing off on us a little at last.